Tor is an application that allows you anonymise your IP address. I.e you can visit on 26th Jun 2011 and Google will not record your actual IP address, but the one presented by Tor, this means that a review of logs stored by Google will not, in theory, show a record of you visiting the site on that date.
What is privoxy?
Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.
How to use the internet anonymously using Tor in linux Backtrack 5?
at first step we must add repo in /etc/apt/sources.list
deb lucid main
Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following commands at your command prompt:
#gpg --keyserver --recv 886DDD89
#gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
Now refresh your sources and install Tor by running the following commands (as root) at your command prompt:
#apt-get update
now install tor and privoxy, with command :
#apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb privoxy
after that we must add to /etc/privoxy/config a configure lik :
forward-socks4 / localhost:9050 .
Replace localhost with the IP if you plan on running Tor on another server on your local network.
Than, open your web browser, download tor plugin to mozilla here.
After installed the plugin to our browser, Let's click enable tor, and then restart tor and privoxy with command :
#/etc/init.d/privoxy restart
#/etc/init.d/tor restart
and let's browser in internet with an anonymously
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