How to read an opcode?

As a beginner, i'm usually confused about the generated shellcode by someone, sometimes i'm thinking what the mean of it, what is it a malicious or not. But after i've know the way how to read a shellcode, now i'm always try to read it before i'm using it.
For example i find a shellcode from here, they said that it's shellcode which will execute a /bin/sh, but i will check it by my self, i'm trying to read it in assembly language. We can learn the basic of assembly language from here.


In naturally computer just know 0 and 1 (binnary), it will processing an instruction which created only from 0 and 1, and this stat usually call as a machine language. Assembly is a low level language and almost like as a machine language.

In machine language, if we want to save a value of an EAX register to the stack we must creating an instruction "01010000", but in Assembly we just create an instruction "PUSH EAX", that's just some differences about an assembly and machine language.

Why must we learn about an assembly language?
Because it is the most important if we want to Reverse Engineering an aplication and it was use full if we want to create our own shellcode in exploit development.

There are two ways to create a syntax in assembly, that are AT&T and NASM. AT&T syntax usually used in GNU like a GNU Assembler, and become as a default syntax in GNU Debugger (GDB), and the NASM syntax usually used a lot in windows area.
Some differeces way of create the syntax are :