Crack zip's password

May be it is an old trick in sec world, but i'm just divide it for us cause this morning there's some one give me a zip file which he has forgot the password of it and he asked me to crack its password. How to crack a zip's password?
Hem, i had never did it before, but i'll try it.
My firs step is searching some tools which there is in my PC, and i've found "fcrackzip".
Can it work? i'll know if i've try it.

Now look a manual using of it with command :
root@victim:~# fcrackzip -h
fcrackzip version 1.0, a fast/free zip password cracker
written by Marc Lehmann <> You can find more info on
USAGE: fcrackzip
          [-b|--brute-force]            use brute force algorithm
          [-D|--dictionary]             use a dictionary
          [-B|--benchmark]              execute a small benchmark
          [-c|--charset characterset]   use characters from charset
          [-h|--help]                   show this message
          [--version]                   show the version of this program
          [-V|--validate]               sanity-check the algortihm
          [-v|--verbose]                be more verbose
          [-p|--init-password string]   use string as initial password/file
          [-l|--length min-max]         check password with length min to max
          [-u|--use-unzip]              use unzip to weed out wrong passwords
          [-m|--method num]             use method number "num" (see below)
          [-2|--modulo r/m]             only calculcate 1/m of the password
          file...                    the zipfiles to crack
methods compiled in (* = default):
 0: cpmask
 1: zip1, TARGET_CPU=0
 3: zip3, TARGET_CPU=5
 5: zip5, TARGET_CPU=6


Yesterday when i and my team (9tails) become a finalist in a DAGELAN NETWORK SECURITY COMPETITION (GEMASTIK 2011), the panitya had give us a vulnerable web aplication and they hope it fixed by us.
Actually we could fix it with analysis the script of it one by one, but we knew it need more time and we were missing some time to test the secure of it. So our instructur (Anbu) was give us a solution, he suggest us to use RIPS.

RIPS? What is it?
RIPS is an OWAPS project which allow us to check the secure of php's script and give us some solve about that vulner. RIPS can search the vulner specified in some categories like SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF, and ect, for more information click here.
This is a screenshot of RIPS, Let's try it by your self if you're a web development.